Atlantic Immigration Pilot Programs (AIPP)
Effective March 6, 2017, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship’s (IRCC) introduced the Atlantic Immigration Pilot. The Atlantic Immigration Pilot consists of three programs designed to provide workers with permanent residency and facilitate their integration into the region with employer support. Eligible skilled immigrants and international graduate students with a job offer from a designated employer in New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, or Newfoundland and Labrador and an endorsement from the province, can apply for permanent residence. The Pilot will run for three years until December 31, 2019.
Three Atlantic Immigration Pilot Programs
Three permanent residence pilot programs for workers and graduates in New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia, or Newfoundland and Labrador are:
- Atlantic High-skilled Program (AHSP)
- Atlantic Intermediate-skilled Program (AISP)
- Atlantic International Graduate Program (AIGP)
Who can apply?
If you have the ability to become economically established in Atlantic Canada, intend to reside in a province in the Atlantic region, and meet all of the eligibility requirements. These requirements are about your work experience, education, ability to communicate in English or French, and if you can support yourself when you reach Canada. The work experience, education, and job offer you need will depend on whether you are applying as a worker or an international student graduate. The other requirements are the same for both.
How to apply?
A step by step guide. For more in-depth information please visit the website of IRCC.
Step 1: Get a job-offer
This is an employer-driven immigration program. You are responsible for finding a recognized employer — that is, an employer that is designated by an Atlantic province in accordance with an immigration agreement to make employment offers — who will hire you.
Employers who wish to utilize the Atlantic Immigration Pilot (AIP) must be designated by meeting certain requirements, including a commitment to support the newcomer and their family as they integrate into their new life in Atlantic Canada.
Upon designation, employers can then forward applications from foreign nationals to be endorsed, entitling the foreign national to apply for a work permit and/or permanent residency.
Links to the designated employers and job sites under the Atlantic Immigration Pilot (AIP):
Step 2: Meet eligibility requirements
Each program has its own eligibility requirements. Applicants must demonstrate they meet the relevant employment requirements of the job they are being offered.
Step 3: Get a needs assessment and settlement plan
After you get a job offer from a designated employer, the employer will connect you with a settlement service provider organization for a settlement plan.
Step 4: Get endorsed by an Atlantic province
After you have send the settlement plan to the employer the employer will send the endorsement application to the province. In cases where it is urgent to fill the position, candidates may be eligible for a temporary work permit. The province sends you an endorsement letter.
Step 5: Apply for permanent residence
After receiving the endorsement letter from the province you can apply for one of the three programs.
Why apply for Atlantic Immigration Pilot Program?
This program can offer opportunities for people who want to immigrate to New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia, or Newfoundland and Labrador but are not eligible to enter the Express Entry pool or won’t get enough point to receive an invitation to apply. The requirements differ from the Express Entry requirements. E.g. work experience acquired during the study is allowed.
If you want to discuss your possibilities under these programs, book a consultation here! For more information on the AIPP visit the IRCC website.
NOTE New Ground Immigration Services is not a recruitment agency!