Self-employed Persons Program

Definition of self-employed person

The name of this program is a bit deceiving as only certain economic activities are captured under this class. Persons who want to apply under this program must meet the definition of self-employed person. Applicants must generally have relevant experience and the intention and ability to be self-employed and to make a significant contribution to cultural activities and athletics. As of March 10, 2018, IRCC no longer accepts new applications under the farm management stream of the Self-Employed Person Program.

Self-employed experience in cultural activities or athletics

This will capture those traditionally applying in this category. For example, music teachers, painters, illustrators, filmmakers, freelance journalists. Beyond that, the category is intended to capture those people who work behind the scenes, for example, choreographers, set designers, coaches and trainers.  Management experience in the world of arts and culture may also be a viable measure of self-employment; for example, theatrical or musical directors and impresarios.

A world-class level in cultural activities or athletics

Participation at a world-class level in cultural activities or athletics intends to capture performers. This describes those who perform in the arts, and in the world of sport. “World class” identifies persons who are known internationally. It also identifies persons who may not be known internationally but perform at the highest levels in their discipline.

Intent and Ability to be Self-Employed in Canada

Furthermore, the self-employed applicant must demonstrate the intention and the ability to create his or her own employment in Canada through cultural activities or athletics.

Minimum investment

There is no minimum investment level for a self-employed person. The capital required depends on the nature of the work. Applicants must, however, show they have sufficient funds to create an employment opportunity for themselves and maintain themselves and their family members. They must show you that they have been able to support themselves and their family through their talents and would be likely to continue to do so in Canada.

Business Plan

Applicants must submit evidence that they meet the definition of self-employed person. A solid way to demonstrate that they have the intention and ability to create his or her own employment is to develop a plan for their proposed activities in Canada.

Intention and Ability to Make a Significant Contribution to Specific Economic Activities

And last but certainly not least, the applicant must demonstrate the intention and the ability to make a significant contribution to specific economic activities. This program is intended that the Self-Employed Persons Class enrich Canadian culture and sports.  

If you want to discuss your eligibility under this program book a consultation here! For more information on the Self-Employed Persons Program visit the IRCC website.